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Why is it important to optimize your landing pages?

Why is it important to optimize your landing pages?

Let’s start off by quickly defining what a landing page is

A landing page is designed for a specific conversion goal and they’re temporary page(s) that are not part of your website architecture. Consider them a standalone destination for customers or prospects that are tied to a specific marketing campaign(s).

Your website is the comprehensive online presence for your brand – it’s considered owned media and isn’t dependent on individual marketing campaigns. It’s an asset that your team manages, updates and optimizes depending on new features, products, and services for your company.

The need for optimization of your landing pages

It’s important to look at the performance of your campaign landing pages and make the necessary changes or enhancements so they can continue to drive conversions for the marketing campaigns they support. These are some of the methods that our team works through to optimize our clients’ landing pages.

  • Alignment with campaign goals

    Make sure that your landing page content and messaging are still aligned with the goals of the marketing campaign this alignment will improve the chances of conversion.

  • User-friendly and responsive

    It almost goes without saying that your landing pages need to be intuitive and user-friendly. Reducing friction makes it easier for visitors to navigate, interact with content, and take the desired action. This means that the pages need to be consistent regardless of the device your visitor or prospect is using.

    We recommend a responsive page that adjusts the layout, font sizes, and images to fit the screen, eliminating the need for users to zoom in or scroll horizontally. A positive user experience leads to higher engagement and increased chances of conversion.

  • Clear and concise content

    Since your landing page is tied to a marketing campaign and not your website – the content needs to be simple and relevant to the campaign objective. Having a strong headline that grabs attention and content that clearly communicates the value proposition of your offer. Content should be compelling and relevant to your target audience.

    Informative and relevant content establishes credibility and builds trust with the audience. When the message is clear, visitors are more likely to stay on the page and engage, increasing the chances of conversion.

  • Call-to-Action

    Your call-to-action (CTA) should clearly communicate the action that the visitor is expected to do. A clear CTA on the landing page sets the right expectation and has a direct impact on conversion.

  • A/B testing

    Test, test, test … we recommend testing different elements of your landing page to optimize its performance. Test different headlines, CTAs, form placements, colors, or layouts. A/B testing allows you to gather data and insights on what resonates best with your audience, enabling you to make data-driven improvements.

  • Forms

    If your landing page has a form fill – identify the information that your campaign or Marketers are prioritizing – keeping your forms as simple and streamlined as possible. Long and complicated forms can deter visitors from converting – consider using progressive profiling to gather additional information over time.

  • Testimonials

    Consider adding customer reviews, badges, or other positive 3rd party content that can support your value proposition. You’ve got their attention – make the most of the opportunity.

  • Integration with your marketing automation system

    Leverage your marketing automation system by integrating your landing page with that platform. You can set up lead tracking, nurture campaigns, and personalized follow-ups to engage with your leads effectively.

  • Load speed

    By its nature, a landing page needs to load quickly. Using compressed images, and minimizing server requests will help in improving load speed.

  • Analytics and tracking

    As with any marketing initiative, prioritize data-driven revisions to your landing page and make the right modifications to drive conversion.

So… what’s a good conversion rate for a landing page?

As Hubspot shared last year, the average conversion rate for landing pages is 5.89% across all industries. A good conversion (across all industries) rate is around 10%.

There are multiple factors that can influence the conversion rate, some of these include:

  • Campaign goals and objectives – and how well they’re executed
  • The type of content (video, images, content)
  • The type of CTA included on the page
  • Content/message relevance to the audience
  • Channels driving traffic to the landing page
  • Your target list or audience targeting

We hope this article has helped highlight some of the tactics that can help boost conversion rates on your marketing landing pages. It’s more important than ever to work with the right agency team to get the very most out of your campaign landing pages – if you’re not getting what you need from your current agency – please reach out to our team at Position2.

Taryn Talley

Posted in: Mar 13, 2024

By Taryn Talley