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The way forward: AI and UX design in thoughtful synergy

The way forward: AI and UX design in thoughtful synergy

The road behind, the path ahead

Though Artificial Intelligence (AI) as a field has origins dating back to the 1950s and user experience (UX) design first came about in the 1980s, the rise of personal computing and the demand for usability fueled advancements in AI and UX design.

Despite AI and UX efforts gaining attention, their trajectories diverged considerably over time. While AI seeks to make machines act intelligently, UX optimizes designs for human thinking and behavior. Their motivations were linked, but their approaches were different.

Research in AI and UX gathered pace as individual disciplines for many years, though some interactive AI research looked at usability. With AI enhancing UX design of late, their paths have converged, yet again. However, the key differences remain in their focus, which shows AI cannot fully take over UX. UX will still require those uniquely human perspectives.

UX emphasizes on:

  • Emotions
  • Intuition
  • Social cues
  • Qualitative insights
  • Subjective creativity
  • Emotional intelligence

AI emphasizes on:

  • Data analysis
  • Predictive modeling
  • Quantitative insights
  • Iterative testing

Potential for AI

AI’s immense potential awakens both awe and apprehension. The rapid advances in AI are showing us glimpses of a future that was only confined to science fiction. AI systems now match or surpass human expertise in certain areas. It automates routine tasks and augments human abilities, it is awe inspiring as we understand how AI could transform our world.

The marvel lies in imagining how AI might evolve and what new potential could emerge from digital minds. A total of 5 new AI unicorns emerged in Q1’23 — the same rate as the previous quarter. Generative AI companies accounted for a gaining valuation of $1B or above. Because of its fast-paced adoption, AI is making waves in various industries.

However, AI’s Black Box nature pauses can bring up feelings of apprehension. The prospect for AI seems endless, but every progress has growing pains.

Uncovering the synergies of AI & UX design

UX is pivotal for creating effective, enjoyable digital experiences. Meanwhile, AI presents an intriguing potential for optimizing UX. Recent research by Forbes Agency Council shows applications with excellent UX design can increase conversion rates by 400%, compared to just 200% for poor UX.

To many, AI is the future of UX design. By leveraging data and algorithms, AI can unlock new directions for engaging users. However, thoughtfully integrating AI in UX introduces complex challenges that must maintain human-centered practices.

While AI has demonstrated the ability to strengthen UX, human creativity and oversight remain essential. UX designers have a crucial role in guiding AI ethically and responsibly. With diligence, AI’s data-driven capabilities can synergize with UX principles to create captivating, inclusive experiences.

While UX designers guide the user journey, and AI engineers enable the predictive brain, this fusion allows incredibly personalized and futuristic interfaces today. With AI continually learning from real-world usage data, the systems get smarter over time. The future is exciting for UX designers who are guiding AI-infused design processes.

7 ways AI helps us in UX design

1. Enhance user research
AI can conduct user interviews and analyze qualitative data to uncover insights. AI tools like NLP (Natural Language Processing) analyze interviews and open-ended survey responses to find sentiment, themes, and insights faster than manual analysis giving rich qualitative data to inform designs.

2. Visual design assistance
AI can suggest aesthetically pleasing color schemes, font pairings, layouts, and more based on data. Some generative AI tools like Midjourney create aesthetically pleasing graphics, illustrations, and layouts. The AI rapidly generates numerous on-brand options for us to select from and refine.

3. Powers hyper-personalization
AI uses data like demographics, behaviors, and preferences to suggest personalized experiences. Leveraging user data with machine learning algorithms, AI can curate tailored content and product recommendations.

75% of Netflix users select films recommended to them by the company’s machine-learning algorithms.

4. Accessibility and inclusive design
AI can scan interfaces and suggest changes to improve accessibility for users with disabilities. AI-powered accessibility scanners like AudioEye can be used to catch issues early in the design process. These tools flag problems like low color contrast, missing alt text, and insufficient sizing for low-vision users. Fixing these UX barriers before launch helps meet WCAG standards and improve inclusive experiences. Microsoft’s ‘People lens’ uses computer vision to describe environments for blind users audibly.

5. Performance optimization
AI analyzes technical elements like code, assets, and infrastructure to suggest performance improvements. analysis tools reduce page load times by 350+ milliseconds by crunching assets and suggesting image compression.

6. Automates design workflows
AI can batch process repetitive design tasks like resizing images and creating multiple variations. It helps save designers tremendous time on repetitive tasks by automatically batch editing, reformatting, and processing design system assets. It enables them to focus their creativity on high-value work like ideation and complex layout problems that only humans can tackle.

7. Facilitates user testing
AI can create and analyze virtual users to test interfaces. We leverage AI to generate thousands of synthetic test users with diverse behaviors to test designs at scale before launch. This technique uncovers significant issues on projects that would have impacted retention.

What AI Can’t Do

AI has its limitations. It lacks human judgment, intuition, and creativity. AI cannot ask intelligent follow-up questions, read between the lines, or infer underlying emotions and unspoken needs. Nor can it synthesize findings into innovative solutions. Relying solely on AI could lead to superficial insights and ineffective designs that lack empathy.

The key is finding the right balance. While AI can provide data-driven insights, it may not be able to generate creative and innovative ideas for improving the user experience. This is something that only UX researchers can do.

A report by user interviews confirms a fifth of researchers are currently using AI in their research; an additional 38% plan to incorporate it in the future.

AI-infused UX design at Position2

At Position2, we are putting what we believe into practice. We incorporate AI to enhance our understanding of users and design experiences. AI has become an inseparable team player, augmenting our designers rather than replacing them.

We analyze and restructure the recommendations to understand why an AI made certain creative choices or user recommendations before applying them. For client projects, we are upfront about how we use AI. We provide summaries or descriptions of AI reasoning where feasible.

We’ve had teething problems when we began our incorporating AI, but we also keep improving how we combine AI abilities with human creativity. The combination is enabling us to deliver incredibly personalized experiences for our clients. We are eager to see how much more AI can improve our work.

The future of AI is here

Our selective integration of AI into the UX process can benefit your organization in exciting ways. Our clients have responded enthusiastically as AI-assisted research provides rapid insights to enhance digital experiences strategically.

AI efficiently tests innovative interface variations to help engage your users. And data-driven personalization powered by responsible AI implementation allows you to connect with diverse customer bases.

We are already seeing promising new directions from collaborating with clients to incorporate AI capabilities thoughtfully. Together, we can brainstorm additional applications of emerging AI, like contextual reasoning and sentiment analysis, to make your interfaces highly intuitive and responsive. The positive reception from clients motivates us to continue exploring how AI can judiciously provide organizations with new tangents to elevate UX to the next level.

If you share our passion for leveraging technology to better connect people and businesses, then we invite you to join our journey. Let’s keep growing together as AI and UX continue to transform possibilities. Contact us today to discuss how we can collaborate to create unmatched digital engagement through design.


1. What is the difference between AI and UX design?

AI focuses on making machines act intelligently through data analysis and algorithms. UX design optimizes the user experience and interfaces for how humans think and behave, using qualitative insights and subjective creativity.

2. Why is AI now being used in UX design?

Recent advances have allowed AI to analyze user data and suggest improvements to UX design. AI can quickly test variations, personalize content, and automate repetitive tasks. This frees designers to focus on creative strategy.

3. Doesn’t AI threaten to replace UX designers?

While AI can aid and enhance the work of UX designers, unique human skills like emotional intelligence, subjective creativity, and qualitative judgement remain essential. AI does not fully replace the need for human-centered UX oversight.

4. How can AI make experiences more personalized?

By studying user demographics, behaviors, and preferences, AI algorithms can tailor content and product recommendations individually for each customer. This creates highly customized experiences.

5. What are some limitations of current AI?

Present AI still has limitations like requiring massive training data, being prone to perpetuating biases and lacking general reasoning skills. Thoughtful human guidance is key to steering AI responsibly and overriding problematic recommendations.

6. How can UX designers prepare for an AI-powered future?

UX designers should focus on honing high-level creative and strategic skills. They should also stay current on AI advancements to guide integration thoughtfully. With human creativity guiding responsible AI usage, AI can unlock new potential in UX.

Nidhi Sarawgi

Posted in: Oct 25, 2023

By Nidhi Sarawgi