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Mobilegeddon – The biggest thing since Y2K?

Mobilegeddon – The biggest thing since Y2K?

Google rolled out a mobile-friendly update of its search service and search rankings this week and the 24-hour media beast immediately labeled it “mobilegeddon“. Is there need for panic in the streets? Not if you have paid attention to the impact of mobile over the last few years, and adjusted your website accordingly. ComScore research confirms that 56% of digital content is now consumed via smartphones, and that makes mobile optimization a necessity.

Despite the warnings of digital apocalypse Google’s roll out only affects search rankings on smartphones (tablets not included), and only individual pages, not entire websites.  But it should encourage a cultural change. Importing websites to mobile just won’t wash going forward. Building a mobile strategy from the ground up is now the order of the day.


Image Source

But in the here and now, if you are a webmaster, test your website for mobile compatibility here. To diagnose your website and get a complete mobile usability issues report across your website pages, click here. If mobile users are a big part of your core target group do this sooner rather than later.

Google Analytics will tell you what percentage of your traffic comes from mobile search.

First you need to Sign Up. Then navigate to Audience>Mobile>Overview and review the desktop/mobile/tablet breakdown. What you see is the overview of how seriously you need to make the transition to a mobile-friendly website. Now.

How to “Mobilegeddon-proof” your website

To make certain your web content stays relevant in a “mobile-first” world, check these do’s and don’ts:

  • Text has to be readable without tapping and zooming
  • Avoid unplayable video content
  • Eliminate horizontal scrolling for better rendering
  • Do not place your links so close that tapping on one is impossible
  • Avoid app download interstitials that block users from completing tasks
  • Allow Googlebot access to your JavaScript, CSS and image files
  • If you have separate mobile URLs, have immaculate redirects for all mobile users
  • Do not have irrelevant cross-links when deploying separate mobile URLs
  • Use HTML5 standard tags for animations and videos for a seamless experience
  • Steer clear of mobile-only 404s
  • Recognize and accommodate the mobile users’ need for speed for. It’s paramount.

Position² will keep you posted on more about how the Google ‘Mobilegeddon’ update pans out in the days and weeks ahead.
Stay tuned!!!

Team Position2

Posted in: Apr 24, 2015

By Team Position2