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Key Takeaways From Marketo Marketing Nation Summit 2016

Key Takeaways From Marketo Marketing Nation Summit 2016

Marketo Marketing Nation 2016 was enthralling to say the least. The plethora of speakers was something marketers only dream of. The sessions were just amazing with meaningful insights. Exciting is just one way of describing the experience.

As proud sponsors of Marketo Marketing Nation Summit for the past three years, we not only attended the event this year, but also had an engaging exhibitor booth!

Marketo Marketing Nation Summit 2016

Here are some of the key takeaways we captured at the summit:

  • Keynote speaker Will Smith emphasized the power of being authentic, “In today’s world – we are out in the open, so the best bet to succeed is be true.”
  • Jon Miller of Engagio highlighted that, “75% of marketing executives read unsolicited content if it’s relevant.”
  • Jeriad Zoghby of Accenture explained that, “Personalization is making it easier for consumers to buy and consume what they want, how/when they want.”
  • Strategy trumps creative in email marketing campaigns. Most successful campaigns spend more time on strategy.
  • Gen Z form 30% of the global population, are age 18 and younger, digital dependent and control $200B in spending annually. So your long term marketing plans need to influence this group who will soon (if not already) be your primary target audience.
  • The Facebook community – with 1.65B people on Facebook, 400M on Instagram, 1B on WhatsApp and 900M on Messenger – is turning out to be the world’s largest ecosystem. Facebook should be part of every Marketer’s digital plan.

With stimulating sessions and inspiring keynotes, Marketo Marketing Nation Summit was abuzz with activity. A great opportunity to showcase our proprietary approach, Demand Acceleration. A three-pronged approach that leverages content marketing, paid acquisition and marketing technology to give your digital marketing endeavour a big boost. As a certified Marketo partner and the preferred agency for many high-tech B2B and B2C companies, we believe that Demand Acceleration can help resolve your immediate as well as long term revenue challenges.

To learn more, reach out to us or better yet, come see us at our office in the heart of Silicon Valley, California.

Team Position2

Posted in: May 30, 2016

By Team Position2