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Google Releases Universal Analytics For All

Google Releases Universal Analytics For All

Universal Analytics, which was in beta till now, has been launched by Google for everyone.

According to Google, Universal Analytics equips you to power up for the measurement challenges of today’s multi-screen and multi-device environment.
Universal Analytics
A few important things you need to know about Universal Analytics are:

  • It has all the features, tools and reports of classic Analytics, including remarketing and audience reporting.
  • Google will be launching the User ID feature gradually, which will help you understand your customer’s complete journey. This feature provides a more user-centric view of website traffic by showing anonymous user engagement activity across different screens and site visits. User ID will also enable cross device reporting.
  • Current premium accounts will upgrade to Universal Analytics with the same service level and additional product features. Users with free accounts can also upgrade with all features intact.
  • Unlike the prior lag in data, Universal Analytics offers timely reporting with fresher data if you are in a different time zone.
  • The User Agent/IP Override feature will help you to proxy data from devices and intranets through internal servers onto Google Analytics.

For a real-life example of how Universal Analytics works, you can check out this case study.

Universal Analytics helps marketers in better tracking, campaign configuration and measurement with enhanced features:

  • The tracking code is more flexible and easier to implement on different levels.
  • It is easier to set up cross-domain or sub domain tracking.
  • Access to new configuration options such as organic search sources, session and campaign timeout handling, referral exclusions and search term exclusion.
  • Access to custom dimensions, metrics and new features, which will arm marketers with better measurement options.

If you want to know more about Universal Analytics, click here.

Image Source: Google Analytics

Team Position2

Posted in: Apr 4, 2014

By Team Position2