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Diverse Website Tactics For B2B Online Lead Generation

Diverse Website Tactics For B2B Online Lead Generation

As the digital world keeps growing, it’s super important to have different types of content on a B2B website to attract potential customers. Cool blog posts, eye-catching videos, and interesting podcasts are just a few ways we can grab the attention of different people, get them thinking, and influence their decisions.

Businesses must understand how important this mix is to connect with customers along the buying journey. The goal is to deliver content so appealing that, in the words of the musician Gil-Scott Heron, “You will not be able to stay home, brother. You will not be able to plug in, turn on, and cop out.”

Companies don’t want their prospects to just get information; they want to get them thinking, feeling and inspired enough to want to learn more about them. Even when facing obstacles in creating content, they should see fresh content as an opportunity to improve, grow, and surprise their audience with something new and exciting. In this blog post, we’ll outline the different types of website content for lead generation and share some guidance on which audience members will likely be drawn to (or pushed away) from it.

Blog Posts and Thought Leadership

Imagine potential consumers stumbling upon your blog while browsing for answers or strategies to address their dilemmas. Reading your blog, they unravel valuable perspectives, eventually arriving at your offer, which might read, “Contact us and learn more” or “Book a complimentary consultation”. Intrigued by your enlightening content, they click on it, offering their contact information, thus transforming into promising leads.

Positives: Erecting barriers on blog content enables you to collect data from curious parties willing to exchange their personal details for the value your content provides.

Drawbacks: Generally, blogs remain freely accessible, thus placing restrictions could dissuade potential visitors, diminishing the influx of readers, and consequently denting your optimization strategies.

Works best with: Prospects just beginning their buying voyage, probing for information or strategies about your field or service offerings.

Works worst with: Individuals who have journeyed further in their purchase exploration, craving detailed, specific knowledge or a direct interaction with a salesperson.

For consumers already journeying within the funnel, blog posts serve as platforms to present comprehensive perspectives on your field or service offerings, thereby cementing your professional acumen. These posts could spotlight unique benefits offered, countering prevalent apprehensions or hurdles hindering a consumer’s progression down the purchasing path.

Case Studies

Exhibit your successes through detailed case studies. These narratives present potential consumers with tangible evidence of your service’s efficacy. Case studies with compelling attributes usually feature a client reminiscent of the prospective consumer.

Imagine a potential consumer seeking specific validation of your professional competencies. They peruse a case study demonstrating how your service propelled a similar enterprise toward success. Impressed by the account, they complete the request form for additional details, converting into a promising lead.

Positives: These case studies constitute invaluable content pieces, exemplifying your firm’s capabilities. Restricting access to such content can usher in quality leads since those ready to share their information often find themselves further along the buying cycle.

Drawbacks: Erecting barriers around case studies can curtail the population of potential consumers viewing these successful narratives. Certain potential leads might feel reluctant to divulge their information merely to peruse your case studies.

Works best with: Individuals considering your services, desiring to witness examples of your work and its consequential impact.

Works worst with: Individuals not yet prepared to make commitments, or those beginning to understand their challenges.

Case studies prove your service’s efficacy, documenting successful engagements with prior clients. They sketch a possible scenario that potential consumers could encounter, hence alleviating uncertainty and enabling potential consumers to feel comfortable progressing to the subsequent stage.

E-books and White Papers

Propose comprehensive guides or research narratives pertinent to your profession to engage leads. For this high-value content, seek visitors’ contact details, effectively converting curiosity into prospective collaboration.

Visualize an engaged consumer yearning for deeper knowledge about an industry-related subject. This individual stumbles upon your e-book or whitepaper, entering their contact details to facilitate a download. This exchange transforms a casual visitor into a potential lead.

Positives: E-books and whitepapers, owing to their detail-oriented and invaluable nature, frequently serve as gated content designed to engage lead generation. Individuals usually exhibit a greater willingness to share their contact details in exchange for such high-value content.

Drawbacks: Some visitors might find the extra step of entering their details off-putting, limiting the reach of your resourceful content.

Works best with: Individuals hunting for exhaustive information about an industry-related topic. These individuals could be anywhere in their purchase journey but are ready to invest time in comprehending their predicament or your resolution.

Works worst with: Individuals seeking concise, digestible information or those not ready to share their contact information to access the offered content.

These resources offer detailed information about complex subjects pertinent to your profession or service offerings. For individuals within the funnel, these resources further enlighten them, fortifying their trust in your venture, and prompting serious contemplation about your services.

Webinars or Podcasts

Webinars or audio broadcasts offer an engaging platform to demonstrate proficiency, fostering personal connections, and permitting interactivity through query-response sessions.

Visualize an individual hunting for expert insights stumbling upon your webinar or audio broadcast. This individual commits to a live session or subscribes to your channel, offering their email. This interaction transforms casual engagement into a potential business lead.

Positives: Webinars and audio broadcasts, replete with information, demand a significant time commitment. Providing access to them in exchange for contact details can lead to acquiring high-quality business leads.

Drawbacks: Restricting access might diminish the audience base for your webinars or audio broadcasts. Some individuals might show reluctance in sharing contact information, for uncertain content quality.

Works best with: Individuals seeking an understanding of business-related topics, preferring an interactive, engaging format. They might be traversing deeper into their buying journey.

Works worst with: Individuals who prefer digesting content at their leisure or those hesitant to invest considerable time in a webinar or audio broadcast.

Utilize these platforms to explore subjects of interest to your prospects. This could encompass demonstrations of your product or service, expert discourse, query-response sessions, or conversations on industry evolutions. Such formats aid in cultivating relationships with prospects, underscoring your proficiency, and adding a personal touch to your brand.


Periodic communiqués keep your audience abreast of recent developments within your enterprise, shifts in industry trends, or additional services being offered. Urge visitors to sign up, promising exclusive perspectives or discounts.

Consider a potential client browsing your digital platform, noticing your sign-up form promising industry perspectives or exclusive offers. They subscribe, effectively transforming into a business lead.

Positives: Inherently, newsletters are exclusive content because they necessitate an email for transmission. This can assist you in establishing a regular, engaged audience.

Drawbacks: The obligation to enroll might dissuade some visitors. Moreover, if your content doesn’t offer continual value, subscribers might opt out, potentially impacting your relationship with your email provider.

Works best with: Captivated consumers, those interested in your brand or industry, who find value in regular insights.

Works worst with: Prospects chiefly pursuing information exhibit less interest, eschewing consistent updates.


A well-constructed video elucidates your services in a captivating and engaging style. Content can range from instructional pieces, behind-the-scenes glimpses of your enterprise, testimonials from satisfied customers, or demonstrations of your service.

Picture a prospective client engaging with your visual presentation on your digital platform, exploring your services, client testimonials, or industry insights. They perceive high value and decide to probe further, offering their contact details through a form attached in the presentation description or embedded on the website.

Positives: High-definition, instructive presentations might justify exclusivity, particularly if they extend expert advice, thorough tutorials, or detailed service demonstrations. Visitors willing to part with their information for access are very likely intrigued, yielding high-quality leads.

Drawbacks: Presentations often augment brand awareness and visibility; hence exclusivity might impede their reach. Furthermore, many users anticipate visual content to be openly accessible.

Works best with: Prospects who relish visual and auditory content, desiring a more captivating medium to comprehend your services. They could be at any phase of the decision-making journey.

Works worst with: Prospects who favor text-based content that they can absorb at their leisure.

In conclusion

Having a mix of different content on your website is critical for creating connections with potential customers. It’s like having a party with various types of entertainment – some guests might enjoy music, some might like magic tricks, and others might prefer a good conversation. It’s all about making sure there’s something for everyone. This concept reminds us of something the musician Tom Waits once said:

“I like beautiful melodies telling me terrible things.” In other words, it’s not just about making something; it’s about creating a feeling, sparking a thought, or starting a discussion. By continuously working on content and aiming to keep things fresh and interesting, you hope to build a lively, involved community around your brand.

Todd Mintz

Posted in: Oct 12, 2023

By Todd Mintz